September 25, 2015

So Mary, a sinner did what she could, to Jesus. She took out her best jar of oil and anointed Jesus' feet. I'm not sure what this gesture meant in those days (cause Jesus washed his disciples' feet) but she did that in the midst of her siblings, Pharisees, the disciples and all who were at the dinner. She did that because I believe in her heart, I think, she wanted to atone for what she'd been doing. She didn't care who was watching, only that Jesus cared and among us, especially youth, we get caught up in matters of social belonging so much that we put off giving 100 per cent because it would look weird in such a setting or worry about what the people would think. But drawing inspiration from this, we should not live in fear, but grow in fear of the Lord. We ought to give the best we've got. In all situations.

Do what you're doing as if you're doing it for the Lord, especially when you're doing it for the Lord.

Sometimes we get in a jam or fix when doing what God requires of us. It seems like the least likely option to follow when other ideas seem better. Just like in the song Like Oil by We Will Worship that says....it's foolishness I know, but your foolishness is wiser than my wisest. Mary was dismissed for rubbing the expensive oil on Jesus instead of selling it and giving it to the poor. But Jesus, in all his wisdom and divinity, said she was wise in doing so.

The Pharisees chided Jesus inwardly for allowing Himself to associate with Mary who hadn't been living right but disputing popular opinion, Jesus (and in extension God) won't only be with us when we do right and follow His commands; thus is the scandal of grace. Sometimes Jesus will be there when you are least deserving in others' eyes, but for you He came and died.

So be free from the thought that He will leave you if you don't follow His commandments as strictly as Jesus did. Jesus Himself is an advocate for us against our sin, so be free to confess your sin and He will justify you and accept you back 77 x 7 times over.

Kevin Ndambuki

Kevin is a gifted guitarist and songwriter. He is one of the lead guitarists and leaders in the band and above all else he seeks to honor God with the gifts given to him.

He serves as a guitarist in CITAM Karen and is part of the youth worship ministry. Off the altar he can be found spending quality time with friends or at home introverting away.

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