Blessed are those who believe without seeing

April 16, 2017

I want to first turn our attention to John 12:40 where we see that the expectation of the Messiah was different from the reality of Him.This caused most to doubt and not only that but some had been hardened from believing. God might be standing right in front of some people but they wouldn't even know it. Today I would ask you to pray that God Softens your heart to the message of everlasting life; to the gospel of Jesus Christ because that's what's important...that we believe and whoever believes in the son will have eternal life. In the book of Ezekiel 36:26-27, God promised the Israelites that He would put out their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. A heart malleable to the word of God; that they would accept and follow it. He also promised them a new spirit that would move them to follow His decrees.

This is the prayer that we ought to make to be a part of His people, to have a heart for Him and to ever follow His ways. That we may be justified when He comes again; but remember that we can only hear what God says if we are of God (John 8:47). No one comes to Jesus (the way to eternal life) unless the father has drawn them to him. (John 6:44). If we hear His word and seek Him with all our heart, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and welcome us into His family. (John 4:48: No one would believe unless Jesus worked miraculous signs,even though the truth was being spoken to them.,their hearts were hardened to it.).

Kevin Ndambuki

Kevin is a gifted guitarist and songwriter. He is one of the lead guitarists and leaders in the band and above all else he seeks to honor God with the gifts given to him.

He serves as a guitarist in CITAM Karen and is part of the youth worship ministry. Off the altar he can be found spending quality time with friends or at home introverting away.

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