Reference(s) - 1st John 1: 5 - 10, 2: 1 - 2, Matthew 5: 27 - 28, 1st Corinthians 6: 18-19
I am convinced that God wants to make you great, if only you'll allow Him to meet you at your worst.
Sometimes we try to hide our true selves from God. We want to seem perfect before him. But remember God doesn't need us to be perfect. He just wants you to NEED HIM every day of your life.
Temptation to sin is not a sin in itself, sin is when you give in to the temptation. Don't feel condemned when you think about things you're not supposed to be thinking about. Being tempted to do something isn't sin, remember even Jesus was tempted. However giving in to the temptation is what causes you to sin.
So the question is, how do you fight temptation? By speaking out the living word of God!
Being free from something doesn't always mean the absence of it. Just because you've been delivered from something doesn't mean it's never gonna come back and attack you. For example if you were addicted to watching adult films and God delivers you, it doesn't mean that the urge to go back wont' attack you, it will!!! But this time to have the power to say NO!! You have the power to rebuke that urge in the name of Jesus.
Courage is forward motion in the presence of fear. We get afraid sometimes, afraid of many things. But remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of courage.