May 24, 2018


Did you know:

Many times when Jesus was ministering, people came to him seeking healing from their ailments but he first taught them the precepts of the Kingdom before he healed them of their diseases. ; He taught them the precepts of the kingdom ; He healed them ; And then they followed him.

*A precept is a principle or a guiding rule that is used to control, influence or regulate conduct e.g the 10 commandments.

DEUTERONOMY 28:1-2: “And it shall come to pass, if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth; And all these blessing shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.” The above verse best shows that ACTION is the driving force behind any precept (principle); even the option of not acting is an action when it comes to living according to precepts.Obey (action) the commandments (precepts). The beginning of the book of John states that in the beginning was the Word and the word was with God, and the Word was God. This, I hope, shows you the POWER that is hidden in God’s precepts; so much so, that He (God) comes under what He speaks. (Psalm 138:2) When the bible says that He comes under His word, that is an ACTION from God towards His precepts.


Faith is the belief of that which is unseen.

That which the Lord speaks becomes a principle and He comes under it.

The interesting thing about having faith in His word is that the end results of trusting the words are visible but the early stages of implementing His word never seem to yield anything or even make the result a tiny bit visible to us. I was learning to sing, so I set out to do vocal exercises daily and diligently and it wasn't until the 3RD day that I noticed the difference that resulted from diligent training. During the 1ST and 2ND days, inspite of the diligent training, I didn’t even feel any difference. I hope you don’t get me wrong - no one gets better at anything after just doing it for just 3 days, I strongly want to emphasize that you only get to notice an improvement after diligent practice and intention to get better.

It takes a certain duration of time between the invisible and the visible result, and what separates the two is SUBMITTING TO THE PROCESS (this requires discipline). The sooner you submit the sooner the invisible becomes visible. Submission then goes ahead to portray an amazing quality which is HUMILITY.

This process shows that we want something that we don’t have yet, something that’s INVISIBLE and we want to make VISIBLE. For example, if you don’t know how to play the guitar like Chir (that's our guitarist) but have the potential to play like Chir or even better, you have to apply yourself to work hard in training and practicing even when it seems like nothing is changing. This brings to mind the best way how “PRECEPTS/PRINCIPLES” work in enforcing SUBMISSION (to the process) at the same time BREAKING PRIDE.

->”Happy are those who are Humble; they will receive what God has promised”  (MATTHEW 5:5)I do believe that whatever you want: healing, prosperity or financial success, the answer lies in submitting to the command of God on that particular thing.The negative meaning of a proud person, points to a sinful individual who shifts ultimate confidence from God to self. An important thing to note is ‘God opposes the proud’ (James 4:6). I believe this is so because once one is proud, the possibility of making visible the invisible becomes impossible because where pride resides, humility lacks; and where humility lacks submission cannot be found.If I could sum this up, God is the word and when pride comes in there is no submission to the word thus no submission to God, therefore becoming an enemy of God.So have you faith that whatever precepts you follow, there is power in them that fruit will always come at the end.

Ian Kimaru

Ian is a gifted songwriter, producer and guitarist. He is the leader and producer for the band and he deeply seeks to be used by God for the furtherance of His kingdom here on earth.

He is multi-talented and can be found playing football, doing IT work or organizing projects for needy members in society off the altar.

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